We've been talking every now and then about how much fun it's going to be with Amelia growing up with Porter around. He's such a sweet dog and we tried really hard to make sure he didn't feel left out when she arrived. Every now and then we'll let him smell her and bring her really close to him and he's always really cute about it. The other day Laura said she left Amelia upstairs with our housemates so she could get some stuff done around the house. Amelia, of course, was crying about being left with strangers and Porter started freaking out. He was pacing around the house trying to get Laura to go upstairs to check on her. Then at one point, before they were able to calm her down she let out a pretty good scream. Porter freaked out. He went running upstairs, to check on her. Once he realized our housemates were taking care of her, he came down and settled down, but he just didn't react well to her crying without Laura or me being there.
It's refreshing to know that he'll always be there to keep an eye on her. He's a big sweetheart, but he can be scary too.
Aww. Yeah, I'm sure he can be scary at time, just with him being so much bigger than her. My mom used to tell me about the German Shepard we had when I was a baby, and how he was such a sweet dog, but she was a little terrified when he got too close to me, being, you know, a freaking German Shepard. And then a few days after I was brought home he started sleeping under my crib to protect me. :)
Posted by: Heather | 21 April 2008 at 08:05 PM
Awwwww, Porter is such a sweet dog...big dog, but a sweet dog nevertheless.
Posted by: G-ma | 22 April 2008 at 06:23 PM
he looks like a sweet dog. what is he? how big is he exactly?
it makes me miss boo.
Posted by: monica | 24 April 2008 at 04:21 PM